Tuesday, January 12, 2010

New Laws on Credit Cards

Click here for an article outlining new legislation from the Fed on credit card companies from doing things like raising rates on you when you make your payments on time, a limit on various transactional fees, and the best part- limiting issuing of cards to people under age 21 ( unless they have a parent or cosigner-very smart as most cc debt is racked up when u are still in college and dont realize the damage you are doing)

Monday, January 4, 2010

It's not too late!

The holiday times mean parties, holiday shopping, baking cookies, wrapping presents, spending time with family and friends, santa, christmas caroling ( my particular fav. thing) and funding your IRA's. Wait no, the LAST thing people think about around the holidays is finishing their savings goals strong by making sure they have contributed to their IRA's.
Luckily, our world has figured this out and the IRS allows you to contribute to your IRA's until April 15th of the following year!
Soo, it's not too late!
You can contribute up to $5,000 per year to a Traditional IRA ( which you can use only if are NOT contributing to a plan at work like a 401k, 403b etc. or make less than $55k to $65k Modified adjusted gross income for individual filers and $89k to $109k for married filers)
You can contribute up to $5,000 per year to a Roth IRA- if your income is less than $169k for married filers and $116k for individual )
Don't forget if you are over the age of 50, you can contribute an catch up of $1,000.
** also, if you are business owner and have a SEP IRA you have until when you file to contribute!
For more on IRA rules, refer to this publication on the IRS website.

New Year Financial Resolutions

Ok, so I have a new years resolution- blog more! I feel like I have so much valuable info. to share, I'm just so bogged down with managing my practice, my household, my investments, spending time with family, friends etc...phew!! Women are supposed to be superwomen right?!