Americans spend way too much money on stuff that we don't need. I'll sit across from my clients sometimes who make $130k a year, but I have to hold them at gunpoint to get an extra $200 saved a month.
Think about this....what do YOU spend money on that is a luxury that could be cut. Not to pick on coffee, but it is a great example...a cup of coffee at home, costs you what...25 cents. A starbucks coffee costs $5....think about it.
$5* 5 days a week= $25, * 52 weeks a year= $1,300 you are spending on coffee, but you haven't been able to save for retirement, cash reserves, a downpayment on a house etc? Plus you could have a tax savings on that $1,300 if you were putting it to an IRA.
Try to write down your latte factor and CUT IT out and save it instead. Some other examples are cigarrettes- a nasty habit you should cut for your health and your wealth! Esp my NYC friends who spend $10 every few days on a pack, now that makes me sick!
Other examples...
Your weekly pedi/mani
Your shoe addiction...I'm thinking of that great SATC episode, Carrie frets that she will really be the old lady that dies in her shoe
The $3 bagel in the morning
Wine.....try sticking to $10 a bottle, I can find lots of $10 wine that is pretty damn good
Going out for lunch everyday...try bringing your lunch
The they don't need all of those toys, they're pets!
Three Places I Would Park Cash Right Now
49 minutes ago
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I have really been enjoying your blog. It is wonderful that you are making these ideas accessible and even hip (especially with your clever logo). I have added you to my blog roll over at Design for Less ( Keep up the great work. We need this now more than ever!
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